Rapid Data AppDev with Windmill (on K3s) and Serverless Aurora

AI Nonsense courtesy of Gemini
(Imagen Nonsense)

Over the summer, I went down the workflow rabbit hole (starting with what I knew like Apache Airflow and Dagster) but ended up deciding on Windmill.dev as the tool of choice.

It was a compromise between pure code options vs. no code for orchestrating random scripts. What were the factors?

  • Open Source and good enough feature set in the free version.
  • Support for Bash, Python, Typescript, Golang, and more (Ansible has subsequently been added)
  • Solid RBAC
  • Written in Rust for high performance
  • Async task execution triggered by webhooks
  • Built in Secrets Management, often through variables and resources.
  • AI-codegen (you enter your OpenAI API key when you deploy the instance) and Vim editor support (just kidding!)
  • A CLI that allows you do local code development and execution.
  • Easy Python dependency management, even though your jobs execute within containers, just import the libraries and they are automatically installed

Self-Hosting Windmill on K3s

Windmill is super easy to deploy with a reliable helm chart that I've used on both EKS and K3s (pictured below)

Windmill Pods & Services

I expose the web UI with Tailscale, but like most Helm resources you can use it to deploy a load-balancer and then terminate with an ACM cert.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    meta.helm.sh/release-name: rogwindmill
    meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: windmill
    tailscale.com/expose: "true"
  creationTimestamp: "2024-11-13T23:38:20Z"
  - tailscale.com/finalizer
    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
  name: windmill-app
  namespace: windmill
  resourceVersion: "8843"
  uid: 0a5116b1-d48f-42d8-bc40-fd65d842350b
Windmill Home
Executions - all green!

Creating Aurora Instance

This was the first time I've used RDS Serverless Aurora

Running Instance, we shall see how much it costs

I used Gemini to create a sample dataset

Which I entered through the RDS Query editor

You will need to enable the Data API

Next, you add the resource, entering the credentials retrieved from AWS Secrets manager

Postgres is one of the Data Stores available in the Free version

Builders Build!

Postgres is a "script type" just like Python, Bash, or other languages and it allows you to view the data as a script.

Creating your PostgreSQL script

A simple listing of the Data

When you run it you'll see the output in JSON or Table format

Next build the app and use the use the Database Studio widget

No need for external SQL browser

When you run the "App" you'll get the CRUD editor

A simple UI

That allows you to insert (and edit) data.


Database studio | Windmill
This component allows you to create a database studio. The database studio is a web-based database management tool. It allows you to display and edit the content of a database. It uses Ag Grid to display the table.
Big structured SQL data: Postgres (Supabase, Neon.tech) | Windmill
This page is part of our section on Persistent storage & databases which covers where to effectively store and manage the data manipulated by Windmill. Check that page for more options on data storage.
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